No better place to start, Initiate Inc.

Contact us at 052-231-8871

Building bridges with the power of words

Break down barriers.
Energize your business.
Penetrate new markets.

Initiate - No better place to start.


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November 24, 2014
Korean Website Open
November 5-8, 2014
“Messe Nagoya 2014”
From 5th to 8th October, 2014, Initiate Inc. exhibited at “Messe Nagoya 2014” being held at Port Messe Nagoya.
Please feel free to stop by and discuss your needs for translation of instruction manuals, complete books, drawings, MSDS, procedure manuals, safety manuals, production/inspection software localization, contracts, reports, presentations, PR material and so on for your products for export overseas, and support for your local overseas offices.
November 13-16, 2013
“Messe Nagoya 2013”
From 13th to 16th October, 2013, iNitiate exhibited at “Messe Nagoya 2013” being held at Port Messe Nagoya.
Please feel free to stop by and discuss your needs for translation of instruction manuals, complete books, drawings, MSDS, procedure manuals, safety manuals, production/inspection software localization, contracts, reports, presentations, PR material and so on for your products for export overseas, and support for your local overseas offices.
We can also demonstrate our proposals for systems to eliminate sales force overtime and improve business operations.
Our booth 1h-4 is located in Hall 1, near the passageway leading to Hall 3.
We look forward to seeing you.
January 6, 2012
Social buttons featured on our website
December 22, 2011
Website renewal
February 2, 2010
Temporary website released.